What Distinguishes John Verin Coaching

It is based in the science of developmental psychology

  • Identifies your limiting and empowering beliefs; make them conscious
  • Disentangles you from limiting beliefs while developing new, true ones
  • Leverages empowering beliefs and behaviors and integrates new ones
  • Creates internal structure for sustainable results
  • Not simply temporary, feel-good fixes
  • Built from simple exercises in bi-weekly sessions over 4 to 6-months

Develops clear internal awareness which creates:

  • Conscious communication, decision making and action taking
  • The capacity to pause and get clear under pressure
  • The humbleness to ask for and receive support
  • The wisdom to self-regulate and maintain optimal wellness

Develops team synergy, resulting in:

  • Unification around personal, team and company missions
  • Unwavering mutual support
  • Deep listening, understanding and clear agreements
  • The spirit of gratitude and joy

Growth happens in relationship with others

  • Lasting change cannot be had from apps, books or courses
  • In human interaction is where we explore and integrate new ways of being
  • I provide this a coach and create it in teams

Understanding that resistance to change is a part of growth

  • Help individuals and teams recognize resistance
  • Turn the energy of resistance in to an ally
  • Integration of sustainable change comes from this